Save the Date for the
33rd Annual VT & NH Fairs Meeting & Trade Show
Your 2024 fairs are in the history books and many of you have started making plans for the 2025 season. The VT/NH Fair Association board is also busy lining up the day for the 33rd annual meeting and trade show on February 1, 2025. We are planning to give you a mid-winter break that offers fun, training, vendor information, good food and sharing of your knowledge. Most importantly, this is a day you can network with your peers to share what you learned at your 2024 fair. Did you experience an unusual situation that you would like to talk with others about? This is the day for doing just that.
We are pleased to let you know that our keynote speaker will be Greg Chiecko, President and CEO, of the Outdoor Amusement Business Association. Greg will help us navigate the waters of the Fair/ Amusement Vendor relationship.
Thank you for all your hard work in bringing smiles to faces young and old, and giving your patrons a memorable day.
See you soon.
Terry Straight, President
VT/NH Fair Association
VT/NH Fair Association Board
Terry Straight, President David Lackie, Vice-President
Karl Thulin, Secretary Esther Allen, Treasurer
Directors: Mike Reed, Marcia Clark, Linda Voehringer